Baby Zonke 2019
Powder coated steel, stainless steel, patinated bronze, woven polyester, rubber, upholstery, sheep skin, cow hide, light fitting
133 x 80 x 62 cm (seat height 43 cm)
Grass Green Settee 2020
Powder coated steel, stainless steel, polished bronze, marble, granite, oiled leather, cow hide, upholstery, nylon cord, woven monofilament, Lepismium Bolivianum, light fitting
169 x 220 x 96 cm
MelonMelonTangerine 2019
Powder coated steel, stainless steel, polished bronze, upholstery, leather, wool, cow hide, woven polyester, marble
112 x 143 x 89 cm (seat height 43 cm)
Black Dakota 2019
Stainless steel, bronze, brass, polymer compound, reinforced plastics, pigments, crushed and blown glass, light fittings
201 x 99 x 46 cm
bONZA 2019
Powder coated steel, stainless steel, upholstery, cow hide, long hair and patent goat skin
88 x 68 x 64 cm (seat height 47 cm)
Desert Riser 2019
Painted bronze, stainless steel, foam, polymer compound, pigments, crushed marble, sand, flock, neon, light fitting
100 x 36 x 36 cm
Bolobo Lamp 2020
Painted and polished bronze, stainless steel, patinated mild steel, cow hide, horse hair, light fittings
110 x 76 x 22 cm